Saturday 22 September 2012

On a brand spangly new blog

The time comes when a new start is more rewarding than bending the past into the present. I have been blogging for years under the name "Human Friendly", and in that time I have thrown all sorts into the mix. Photography, drawing, writing, random nonsense from around the net. Time to simplify. Photos, cartoons etc will continue to be hurled at my basic blog,, but writing comes here.

I've been writing short stories for years, exploring different philosophical takes on the world, and I have been boring the ears off people for much longer on the same subject. I have increasingly found it useful to explore these concepts in a more essayist way. What comes out of my head varies from my views on the nature of justice, the divine, and the human soul to my visceral loathing of cephalopods (they have arms for a face. Not ok, nature. Not ok.). I've been planning this blog for a long time and it became something I... just didn't get around to. But I've decided now is time. I'm working on several pieces which will make their way up onto here in the coming weeks and I aim to keep it going indefinitely.

This may come across as wildly ambitious, but I intend to use this blog to forge an all-encompassing personal philosophy. It will be a philosophy of altruism, compassion and functionality. It must acknowledge diversity of mind and be able to account for that.
It will be fundamentally intolerant of violence.
It will not explain anything in terms not directly linked to experience.
It will not reject the past, but will emphasise the potential of the future.
It will be realistic but necessarily optimistic.

We are at the beginning of a new era of humanity. It is one which links us to all others, and makes a nonsense of internally consistent but externally incompatible belief systems.
We must acknowledge human suffering and progress, regardless of where it is on Earth and, in the future, beyond.

Selfishness has a sell-by date. Even if only by the most minute increment, I intend to hasten our progress towards that day.

Let's see where this goes...


  1. And I, your unworthy adversary Melissa Grungefuttock will be here to play devil's advocate and just generally make your day substantially worse.

    I wonder if touting "objectivism" as legitimate thought would enrage you as much as it should enrage any non-terrible person.

  2. Actually though, I can get on board with this. Sounds interesting.

  3. I would have thought objectivism as a viewpoint would be paradoxical? Plus it would surely presume a logocentric attitude to truth, which is demonstrably flawed. So yeah I guess it enrages me a little? Seems more futile than anger-inducing though.

    Also feedback would be awesome, it's a big reason I started this,


    My (serious) bit of feedback is as above. I enjoy talking about this stuff so this sounds interesting. I'll debate stuff with you, if debate is what you're after. I don't have anything specific to say on anything you've written above though, it's a series of reasonable sounding mission statements. I don't really understand what you're getting at with this bit though:

    "We are at the beginning of a new era of humanity. It is one which links us to all others, and makes a nonsense of internally consistent but externally incompatible belief systems."
